Framing the Epidemic - Introduction

This is a quick test of your decision-making processes. There are a couple of things to note before you start. The first is that there are no right answers here. You will not be assessed on the merit of the particular decisions you take, so you should respond the way you favour, not the way that you think the program will best reward. The second point is related: this activity works best if you treat each decision as a self-contained entity. In other words, you'll get most out of this exercise if you don't try to second-guess what's going on.

It's perhaps also worth pointing out that there is absolutely nothing tricky or misleading about follows. The two scenarios you'll be asked to judge should be taken at face-value.

The final thing to mention is that the two scenarios featured here were first developed by the psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in their 1984 study titled "Choices, values, and frames", which was published in the journal American Psychologist.

Really Deep Thought

For words are wise men's counters, they do but reckon with them; but they are the money of fools.
   --Thomas Hobbes.

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