Data from the Whose Body Is It Anyway? activity
Whose Body Is It Anyway? is here.
The activity asks people to state when abortion is morally justified. This is some
of the data that's been collected to date. A couple of things to note: (a) It's
a stretch too far to suggest that "morally justified" is equivalent to a position
on the right to abortion (since it's entirely possible to think that abortion
isn't morally justified, but that women should still have the right to abort a pregnancy
if they so choose), but it'd be a bit of a sweat to change all the wording below,
so bear that in mind; (b) in this context, supporting a woman's right to abortion
means thinking that abortion either normally or always morally justified.
The Data
35% of the 28975 Christians who who have completed the 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?' activity support the right of a woman to have an abortion.
42% of the 2340 Muslims who who have completed the 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?' activity support the right of a woman to have an abortion.
84% of the 62156 people of no religion who who have completed the 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?' activity support the right of a woman to have an abortion.
37% of the 10874 non-USA Christians who have completed the 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?' activity support the right of a woman to have an abortion.
66% of the 47301 women who have completed the 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?' activity support the right of a woman to have an abortion.
68% of the 63241 men who have completed the 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?' activity support the right of a woman to have an abortion.
84% of the 23760 women without religion who have completed the 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?' activity support the right of a woman to have an abortion.
84% of the 38389 men without religion who have completed the 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?' activity support the right of a woman to have an abortion.
85% of the 11630 women without religion from the United States who have completed the 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?' activity support the right of a woman to have an abortion.
84% of the 17519 men without religion from the United States who have completed the 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?' activity support the right of a woman to have an abortion.
96% of the 28975 Christians who have completed 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?' have internally conistent beliefs about the issues surrounding abortion examined in this activity.
94% of the 62156 people of no religion who have completed 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?' have internally conistent beliefs about the issues surrounding abortion examined in this activity.
26% of the 28975 Christians who have completed 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?', and who are opposed to abortion, have a stated belief about the moral legitimacy of abortion that is contrary to way they responded to the issues surrounding abortion examined in this activity.
7% of the 62156 people of no religion who have completed 'Whose Body Is It Anyway?', and who are in favour of abortion rights, have a stated belief about the moral legitimacy of abortion that is contrary to way they responded to the issues surrounding abortion examined in this activity.